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Education and Career Planning and Management

  Education is a process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. The method of education includes teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research. Education can happen under someone who holds experience and expertise in a particular field or skill. It can happen in a formal or informal setting. Education makes people capable of interpreting things and makes them more aware of their rights, duties towards the family and society. It is not just about lessons in textbooks, it is more than that. Education does include a way of living and help in learning the lessons of life. It helps in creating and changing a perspective towards the world. Education makes the world a better place to live in. With education comes career planning. Career planning is an ongoing process in which an individual decides what and how to make the best out of him or her based on the skills, knowledge he/she has or will acquire in future. It’s
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Corona and its Impact on University Admissions

Almost, all the facets of daily lives have been hit hard because of the Covid-19. Many people lost their jobs and companies got shut down. Transportation incurred huge losses, many educational institutions discontinued due to low or no income. The breadwinners are overburdened financially and mentally. This pandemic is undoubtedly taking a toll on the mental health of a lot of people. Everyone is affected by similar situations in one or the other way.  One enormous area that pandemic had affected immensely is Higher Education. There is a lot of dilemma and confusion faced by the students and the universities at this point concerning enrollments and admissions. Everything regarding the results, college admissions and the reopening of the colleges seem very uncertain in the face of such situations. University admissions have already delayed by Six months. The offline admission procedure has now turned into an online admission procedure. Simultaneously the lectures for the older students


Worldwide, nearly 154 million people suffer from depression and 106 million meet the criteria for substance abuse (Source: “Startling Statistics about Mental Illness”, from ASHA International Website, 2012.) When a parent sees his/her child in physical pain they will take him to doctor but this case will not be same if the child is suffering from mental illness, because the Stigma attached to the term ’Mental Illness’ create a negative feeling in the mind of parents and students. They would be open to talking about physical unease but not mental unease because of the negative labels attached to it. Our society needs to understand that psychological health is as important as physical health and the combination of the two describes a person’s weal. To be healthy is to have the full use of one’s body and mind and, despite an occasional bout of illness, to be alert, energetic, and happy to be alive till old age. Among Students of age group 15 to 24 years old, suicide is the third leading c

Parents vs. Dreams

How to choose to be happy in the long run In this globalized world, there’s nothing which can be considered “out of reach”. People choose the most outrageous careers and find success because that’s what they wanted to do their whole life. As some who do not care about anything which comes in between them and they’re goals, some face a hard time dealing with the things which come in their way. Some people who choose professions which are a bit risky or new or something that not everyone does, that’s where the real problem starts as our parents want good things for us and they want us to pursue a profession which offers stability and not every profession offers that. Parents also try to get their child to pursue the career that they once wanted to follow but failed, these are the times where the person gets confused. At these times there are a lot of things you can do to make a sound and rational decision.  Try to be empathetic towards your parents- Putting yourself in your parent's

ANSWERING “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

  To answer such a question, first, we need to understand the meaning of it. Many times, In interviews we are asked about our vision or goals and sometimes we don’t know how best to express ourselves, (What to include/ what to avoid). This is when we need to develop clarity for our vision and goals for the near future. It doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to achieve and do all that you state but at least, come up with a plan for your future. By asking this question “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” The interviewer attempts to understand your hopes regarding your career. It's what you think and imagines about the next five years of your life. Moreover, The interviewer understands if your goals for your career are aligning with what the company has to provide. They also try to figure out how conscientious, confident, devoted, concerned you are regarding your Career. By answering this question, Interviewers try to sense your ambition and drive towards the applie

How to Evaluate Colleges When You Can't Visit in Person

  The ongoing Pandemic has made it difficult for the new school graduates to evaluate their opted colleges or university in person.  It is really stressful to finalise or opt for a college where one has to spend a significant time without a field visit.  Having first-hand experience of College’s campus, canteen, faculty, crowd is very difficult and merely impossible for students seeking admission in other cities’ colleges. Now that the field visit is impossible, students have to analyse and evaluate their Colleges through indirect sources. Here are some tips and advice that may help students to be more vigilant while evaluating and finalising their College for further education. In-Depth research about College- Students can learn about colleges through their official website. They can take virtual tours of the campus. See the pictures of it available on the internet. They can learn about the faculties and Staff by checking out their profiles on websites and other social media apps like


  This is no new information that marks are one of the most influencing factors of a student’s life and as every single person in this world was a student at some the point in their life so it can be said that marks have had a very strong influence over almost every person in this world. This is a very commonly used notion that “marks do not define who you are”. I think this is 100% true; marks are just a representation of how you performed in some series of tests, that does not define who you are. If someone who has the potential to score more and perform well got fewer marks then it does not mean that he is someone who can’t score, there are a lot of factors which affect a person’s performance. Let say there is a student who isn’t very studious, there are still a lot of qualities which combined defines a person. Every single person is unique; every single person has something they’re good at. So I consider it a waste of time worrying and grieving about low or unsatisfying marks.