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ANSWERING “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”


To answer such a question, first, we need to understand the meaning of it. Many times, In interviews we are asked about our vision or goals and sometimes we don’t know how best to express ourselves, (What to include/ what to avoid). This is when we need to develop clarity for our vision and goals for the near future. It doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to achieve and do all that you state but at least, come up with a plan for your future. By asking this question “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” The interviewer attempts to understand your hopes regarding your career. It's what you think and imagines about the next five years of your life. Moreover, The interviewer understands if your goals for your career are aligning with what the company has to provide. They also try to figure out how conscientious, confident, devoted, concerned you are regarding your Career. By answering this question, Interviewers try to sense your ambition and drive towards the applied job. 

Now that we know what the interviewer is looking for by asking this question. We need to frame our answer to it accordingly. The first thing before applying for any job is to realise why am I applying for this job? Will it help my prospect? Does this job’s description align with my vision? 

Some things that we need to keep in mind when formulating an answer to this question are:

  • Being Honest - One needs to be honest with oneself and with the interviewer about their hopes or expectations regarding their careers. When an individual is honest, one doesn’t have to form a relationship with the company on a dishonest note.

  • Don’t try to Flatter - Don’t try to flatter the interviewer with good words or high ideals. State exactly what you think of your ideal self. 

  • Don’t be over-ambitious - It’s good to have high- oriented goals but make sure they aren’t unrealistic or portray you as an over-ambitious person in front of the interviewer. 

  • Have Clarity of what you state - One shouldn’t be confused or uncertain while stating this answer. We surely don’t know what life is going to throw on us in future but we need to be prepared on our ends with our plans. So, Don’t be vague or unclear for your plans.

  • Answer while thinking how your goals fit in with this job - While answering this question, One needs to also chip in how taking this job will help their career plans and what they want to learn from this job. 

  • Talk about the goals which concern your job- One needs to be precise when answering such questions. Answer in absolutes and to the point statement. Don’t talk about the goals you want to achieve outside of this job’s concern. For example: talking about living in Chicago and owning a Mercedes. The interviewer doesn’t want to listen to your dreams or things irrelevant to the discussion or job. 

  • Don’t use fillers while answering - Avoid using ‘ummmm, aaahhh etc’ while initiating your answer. It’s better to pause for a minute, frame your answer and then start speaking. 

An instance of how to answer such questions is, “ In the next five years, I see myself working as a counselling Psychologist with an esteemed Institution. My goal is to provide my clients with the best services and help them in every way possible. To be a good Counsellor, I need to learn and gain more and more experience in this field. I believe, working in your Institution amongst such an experienced counsellor will surely inculcate necessary skills in me which will indefinitely contribute to my growth as a counsellor.”

By keeping these valuable points in your mind while answering interview questions, you can surely make a difference and it will help you to be more confident and clear about your career per se. 


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