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How to Evaluate Colleges When You Can't Visit in Person


The ongoing Pandemic has made it difficult for the new school graduates to evaluate their opted colleges or university in person.  It is really stressful to finalise or opt for a college where one has to spend a significant time without a field visit.  Having first-hand experience of College’s campus, canteen, faculty, crowd is very difficult and merely impossible for students seeking admission in other cities’ colleges. Now that the field visit is impossible, students have to analyse and evaluate their Colleges through indirect sources. Here are some tips and advice that may help students to be more vigilant while evaluating and finalising their College for further education.

  1. In-Depth research about College- Students can learn about colleges through their official website. They can take virtual tours of the campus. See the pictures of it available on the internet. They can learn about the faculties and Staff by checking out their profiles on websites and other social media apps like LinkedIn or Facebook. It will help students to learn about their faculties outside the College campus.

  1. Contact to Career Counselor-  Consulting career counsellors may help the students to choose amongst the plethora of college options available to them at their ends. Career Counsellors can help suggest colleges in a better way as they have thorough knowledge about the college and their workings.

  1. Ask for help on social media- the Internet has made the flow of communication very fast and easy. Posting on Linkedin or Facebook asking for reviews of the colleges they have opted may help the students to have deeper insights from different people.  Students can even contact or connect to graduated or current students of the College on social media and can ask them about their reviews regarding the quality of learning and growth in the college. This approach can help the students to have feedback from the first hand experienced person. 

  1. Note past activities of colleges- Go through the earlier activities of the colleges. Students should take a look at their admission criteria, cut-offs, dates of merit list being released, number of students graduated, years of establishment etc. Knowing these things will help students to understand better about the College. If the cut-offs are very high, one can expect a studious crowd. Looking at their criteria and other activities like fest, ranks, events, NSS Activities et cetera will help students in understanding the amount of exposure they can expect from the college campus and it also helps you in understanding how well the college is administered. 

  1. Going through the profiles of people related to the College- Other ways to learn about the college exposure is to search college names hashtags on Instagram. This will help students to explore the activities and doings at the college by taking you to different persons’ profiles related to the College’s activities. You may even get the reviews or feedback of graduated students in this way. 

These are some of the tips that may help students to decide better onto which college or university they should opt and admit themselves for. This is undoubtedly a very stress provoking process but in the world of technology and internet gathering information has become a lot easier than earlier times. 


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