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Worldwide, nearly 154 million people suffer from depression and 106 million meet the criteria for substance abuse (Source: “Startling Statistics about Mental Illness”, from ASHA International Website, 2012.) When a parent sees his/her child in physical pain they will take him to doctor but this case will not be same if the child is suffering from mental illness, because the Stigma attached to the term ’Mental Illness’ create a negative feeling in the mind of parents and students. They would be open to talking about physical unease but not mental unease because of the negative labels attached to it. Our society needs to understand that psychological health is as important as physical health and the combination of the two describes a person’s weal. To be healthy is to have the full use of one’s body and mind and, despite an occasional bout of illness, to be alert, energetic, and happy to be alive till old age. Among Students of age group 15 to 24 years old, suicide is the third leading cause of mortality, accounting for just over 12 per cent of death each year (National Centre for Health Statistics, 2012). This stat shows how not taking care of mental wellness and instead of fearing it and not seeking help to treat it can have disastrous consequences not only for the students but also for the people around them. This stat shows how it’s high time to take mental health into account and be open to talk about it. The seriousness of the situation lies where we realise, mental uneasiness can overpower students so much that they think to end their lives as the only option left to them. As we know, students are the most important asset of any country’s future, losing them because of suicide can act as a great barrier to the growth of the country and countrymen.

The mental healthiness of the students is of utmost importance because it affects their complete lifestyle. When they are at troubled psychologically they tend to perform poorly in other areas of their lives and are very prone to adapt unhealthy practices like drug abuse, disturbed sleeping patterns, increase in junk food consumption, smoking, alcohol etc. It also affects their grade performances, their social lives and can lead to many other undesirable outcomes. These psychological factors seem to weaken the immune system, which makes students more vulnerable to Physical Illness. For instance, stress lowers the body’s resistance to a variety of physical ailments ranging from herpes viruses to upper respiratory infections. So, the student needs to be internally fit for their safety and growth.

There is an urgent need to make parents and students aware of how psychological health is very important for their wellbeing. The society needs to be open to talk about it and normalise mental health as physical health. Despite the increased availability of information on mental disorders, stigma against those who suffer it is still commonplace. The fear of stigma and the resulting discrimination discourages students and their families from getting the help they need. The fear of stigma is so much inculcated in students and parents that they would rather hide the mental pain than to seek help to their sufferings. The taboo and stigma related to mental sickness or disorder can be removed only when we take a pledge to talk about psychological well- being. Just being aware and understanding the importance of it doesn’t help the student but be open to seeking help without any fear and stigma attached to it can successfully help not only the student but all the walks of life in a society. Due to the high advancement in technology, there has been a growth in mental sickness too. Students who face problems and are not ready to cope with it mentally may harbour illness related to anxiety, stress, panic attacks, depression etc. If they are left untreated, it can be injurious to them in a short and long run.

Students need to promote and better their welfare in terms of the positive ideal of health. Well- being does not only mean an absence of illness but also to function better and live more enthusiastically than they would have otherwise. Mental Wellness in students can be improved in various ways:

Self- love: to love and accept yourself for what you are. It is about embracing your uniqueness

Improving self- awareness: through understanding your strengths, review thinking errors, journaling what you think and feel.

Ask for help: it is okay to reach out for help to any counsellor or psychotherapist, if you feel unwell and be honest and open to them for your better treatment.

Offering support: by checking on your friends from time-to-time and taking care of them when they need your help will boost your mental wellness too.

Thus, Psychologists are currently working to enhance our overall wholesomeness, and not just by reducing the incidence and prevalence of disorder or by alleviating the distress of those who suffer them. So, if we all take a pledge to practice mental wholesomeness positively and enthusiastically world would be a better place to live than at any other time.




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