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Role of Career Counselling in this Pandemic

The ongoing grapple to fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic is proliferating globally. Every part of the economy consisting of jobs, education sector, share markets etc. is in a close scuffle with the virus which has severely impacted the financial market around the world. The outbreak of COVID 19 has undoubtedly taken a toll on the normalcy of human livelihood.
These times are surely stressing us and leading towards the path of anxiety and depression and each individual is fighting on its own to overcome it. But among all the sections which are bearing most of the brunt of this bedlam are the younger generation- the students. And they are the ones who are struggling to find future perspectives.
Students are concerned about what this pandemic holds for them in future. They are concerned about academics and career objectives. Schools, colleges and institutions for higher education are in angst for the forthcoming academic year. Students, as well as parents who were planning to avail the opportunity of admission in top foreign universities, are revising their decisions.

Countries and regions which are the hub of the top-rated colleges and universities like the UK, USA and other parts of Europe is the worst-hit areas of the novel virus. Therefore, students around the globe are reconsidering their decisions of higher studies and are contemplating choosing the domestic universities and institutes of their country and region for higher education.
“In the middle of difficulties lies opportunities”. These words quoted by the genius Albert Einstein are giving us a ray of hope to look upon the chances which we have in our hands. This period of lockdown is giving time to the students to brainstorm the opportunities and to think upon the future.
To trail the right career path, students need the right direction which will help them to draw their right career path. And untangling these uncertainties, career counselling is helping these young minds to make informed and right decisions about their future career. In the times where not only students but their parents are also stressed and worried about the future, online counselling is providing confidence and are helping them to make the best decisions according to the talent skills of the students.
Lockdown has surely stopped the pace of life but at Remarkable we are providing our best services to counsel your child for further career options. Using most of the digital platforms we have come up with the inclusive online career counselling to help our younger minds sketch the blueprint of their career path.
Ask yourself, if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? If not then here at Remarkable we help you to build your ladder to the right career path. Our online career counselling helps you priming in several ways. We assess you with psychometric tests and look upon your personality traits and interests to guide you with respective career domains. From choosing the right career path to selecting the dream college. We help these young minds to build a stronger foundation.
  •  Career counselling will help to dive in and explore a vivid range of career options and will assist you to explore and evaluate these options to make an informed decision. Progressive economy and changing political scenarios across the globe give a disconcerting challenge to human resources. Counselling helps the students to aegis their careers for the future in order to survive in the highly competitive job market. Considering the current scenario, where the world has come to a standstill. Careers in medicine, IT, research and communication are being greatly acknowledged.
  •  Students work and study hard to get admission to their dream colleges. They work on their grades, extra curriculum as well as personality to build a strong profile. But with the changing scenario due to COVID-19 outbreak, students are rethinking about their college option and their plan to study abroad. With the career counselling, we will help them to frame a tangible list of targeted and possible college options.
  •  This period of a global health emergency is surely making everyone restless. And especially the students who were supposed to engage with exams and other extracurricular activities. The period of lockdown has surely questioned the minds of students as well as parents on how to become productive.  Our counselling sessions will help you to deal with all the phycological issues and will present best options and ideas such as online courses and work so that you can make use of this time for a stronger profile building for future.
Remarkable Education is here for all the students and the parents out there who want to seek guidance and are struggling about the future. Our online career counselling will help you to use this opportunity to build up your profile and gear up for a changed and stronger post-pandemic world. We are there for you so that you can make a remarkable foundation for your future.


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