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Career Opportunities in Commerce

Do you love numbers? Do you have a logical and analytical bend of mind? Then the commerce field might be just the right choice for you.
In today’s times, career options are no longer limited. You no longer are forced to choose from traditional vocations that were pursued by your parents and their parents before them.
Traditionally, commerce was referred to as the process that facilitates the exchange of goods, services or something of value in between two parties. However, we, as a nation, are way past this. Now, the field isn’t just limited to the exchange of goods but has become a practice that enhances the standard of living in a country and increases its ranking in the world by providing jobs and producing beneficial products.
Economic and technological acceleration over the past few decades has contributed to the aggressive need of Commerce driven individuals. Even though e-commerce marketing was born just a few decades back, today it stands tall and has become the backbone of Commerce. From the e-sale of goods and services to filling taxes online, the electronically driven economy now offers an array of opportunities with lucrative salaries.
FAME (Finance, Accountancy, Management, and Economics) behind the commerce will not only allow you to grow but also shape up your illustrious career. Let’s explore the road to travel for a career in commerce!

1.      Investment Banker
2.      Bank PO
3.      Human Resource Manager
4.      Chartered Accountant
5.      Company Secretary
6.      Stock-broking
7.      Actuarial Science
8.      Insurance Underwriters
9.      Economist
10.  Tax Policy Analyst
11.  Asset Manager
12.  Accountant
13.  Accountant Executive
14.  Cost Accountant
15.  Finance Analyst
16.  Finance Planner
17.  Finance Manager
18.  Finance Controller
19.  Finance Consultant
20.  Investment Analyst
21.  Portfolio Manager
22.  Tax Auditor
23.  Tax Consultant
24.  Auditor
25.  Statistician

Opportunities to Work as: More or less, all the organizations have financial managers, treasurers, controller, credit manager, and other financial staff who made their financial reports for tax and other requirements. The employment opportunities in commerce fields are lucrative. The door of both private and public organization is open for commerce graduates. They may work in this organization as Manager, Auditors, Specialist, Consultant, Management Executive, Account Executive, Junior Accountant, CA, Book Keeper, Entrepreneur, etc.  The importance of commerce graduates further increases after sea changes in various parameters of the Indian Economy like bank deposits, mutual funds, stock markets, venture capital, insurance schemes, and portfolio management. Teaching may also be one of the options after pursuing higher studies.
Recruitment Areas:
       Public Organisations
       Big Business houses/firms
       Small Business houses, firms
       Finance and Leasing
       Software industry, etc.
Remuneration: To a larger extent, remuneration in the field of commerce depends upon the area of specialization and your institutions. At the entry-level, Salary starts from Rs.15,000 – 20,000/-. Since, the significance of commerce has increased manifolds, post Privatisation and Globalization era, the experience and knowledgeable candidates are getting a handsome salary.
Time is very important in decision making as they say that time is money. If we lose time in making the right decision, we lose money – and that is not something that you would want to do as a commerce student. So grab the opportunity before it’s too late- get in touch with Remarkable Education, today and book your online consultancy. Step up your game now and take your first step towards that may be less trodden and may embark a hard journey but in the end; it’s a way to a successful career in commerce. 


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