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Things to do during this quarantine

As the Corona Virus pandemic continues to spread, many people are finding themselves in quarantine in order to most effectively practice “social distancing". Resulting concerts are postponed, sporting events are cancelled, schools are closed and tourist hot spots are shut down, experts recommend that even those who show no sign of illness stay home during this time of the global pandemic. Although remaining inside is a good way to protect yourself and others from the coronavirus, and is an important measure to help daily cases that put pressure on our health care system, it could lead to a lesser evil like boredom and stir craziness.
What’s there to do while stuck indoors? We’ve compiled 6 major suggestions to help students make your time quarantined as interesting and perhaps even as productive as possible.
1.    Peep inside yourself – In the hustle-bustle of life these days everyone always seems to be complaining that they don’t have enough time for themselves, spend time evaluating your strength and weaknesses, which is asked in every walk of life of your career journey, evaluate yourself as you yourself can be the best evaluator, and try to strengthen your strengths and eliminate your weaknesses.
2.    Re-develop your bond – Use this time to reconnect family members you haven’t spend to in a while, busy lives may unintentionally make us put family and friends on the back burner, call them to ask their well-being, reach out to your elders to put them in a positive spirit. Treasure this special time with your family so re-create a special strong – bond again.
3.      Have a learning mindset – Bury your nose in a book. Read those books that you started but haven’t had time to completely finish, Listen to good music. Explore new artist, listen to a podcast, try your hand on DIY’s you can learn them on YouTube. Even you can try your hand in culinary skills and help your mother and grandmother in the kitchen and hearing their tips to be healthy with home remedies.
4.      Use net for good – During this period in spite of all the lockdown there are many online paid / unpaid courses  of your choice, are available of which you wanted to do from a long time but couldn’t, this time you can utilize in learning an online course and try to enhance your skills and add a feather in your hat.
5.      Consider your own well being – Give yourself some quality time alone and pamper yourself by exercising, meditating or good bubble bath as its a wide saying a healthy mind stays in a healthy body. When you pamper yourself you feel good and positive about yourself, you can even diluter space in your home give it a new style, check out some old memories which makes you happy and gives you a feeling of accomplishment.
6.      Develop your roots – You can give a good time to your pets, love and cuddle them, they are probably pretty excited to have you home, apart from that if you don’t have any pet then you connect with nature by planting any basic plant-like money plant, mint or coriander etc. You can even go on to your terrace and breathe some fresh, safe nature while soaking in Vitamin D. There is nothing like disconnecting from technology and finding the connection within the plants, trees and moreover with yourself.

I hope that these tips will help you to keep firing on all cylinders, If you are feeling down about this sudden change and uncertainty, coming back to your roots can awaken creativity and the much-needed solitude from society. Realize that this short period of time will, like everything in life, change too. Take this time to lay low, be kind and smile at one another.


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